Tel: 0121 444 1110

Tapping into the UKCCH Community
Training at the UK College of Clinical Hypnosis offers you much more than just the courses. Our graduates gain free access to a community/network of like minded individuals. Many mutually supportive relationships are developed. Regular ongoing practise, mentoring and supervision sessions are offered to all current and former students. All students receive comprehensive training manuals.
Enjoying Your Training
UKCCH courses are well known for that extra vital ingredient – fun! We know that you are likely to learn more if you are enjoying yourself. People often ask how we can squeeze so much into each course. With the accelerated learning techniques that we use you will probably be surprised to find just how much you have absorbed during the course.
Who can benefit from our courses?
Our policy is one of open access and our intention is to make the courses widely available to all those with a genuine desire to assist others and themselves to make effective changes in their lives. We offer to interview every participant on our diploma programmes, either face to face or by telephone. This gives you the opportunity to ensure that the courses are right for you and for us to satisfy ourselves that we can genuinely offer you a successful completion of your training.

Achieving the NCH/NCfE Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma
Although each course is separate and individually certificated, upon completion of all four courses in any order together with completion of the respective assignments from each and portfolio for verification, delegates will be eligible to attain the Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma (HPD). This is externally awarded by the National awarding body NCfE, accredited by the National Council for Hypnotherapy. Graduates may apply for professional registration and membership, discounted insurance, and to qualify to work within the NHS.
Would you like to stay over, locally?
The college has a list of accommodation in the very local area. From inexpensive B & B up to 4 star hotels, we will happily send you a list, if you ask us when you book your course.
Intensive One to One Training
A very small number of places, for each course, are available for those with time constraints or who wish to qualify through an intensive, one to one trainer/student or micro-group route. The number of hours of attendance can be significantly reduced and the qualification attained in a considerably shorter timeframe (subject to completion of assignments). If you feel this is for you ask us for details.
Funding/Training Grants
Unfortunately the college currently has no access to any public funding/grants