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Excellent Reasons to train with
the UK College of Clinical Hypnosis!

This is a truly exciting time to consider training in the field of clinical hypnosis. The field of neuroscience presents us with new advances on an almost daily basis. The potential to help clients to change unwanted feelings or behaviours is quite staggering and professionally qualified mindfulness teachers and hypno-psychotherapists do this on a daily basis. What a wonderful way to a gain a sense of personal achievement and satisfaction. Here are some really good reasons why you should choose to train with the UK College of Clinical Hypnosis:
1. This is a unique, integrated, Mindfulness Based Hypno-Psychotherapy qualification.​
2. The only hypnotherapy diploma course that integrates mindfulness teacher training.
3. Choose in-person training, online training, or mix and match your modules..
4. Unique, two stage qualification process enabling students to commence professional practice, under supervision, whilst they are still completing the second stage of their training.
5. Provides professional access to The Mindfulness Teachers Register as well as The National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH), The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (APHP) and The National Register of Psychotherapists and Counsellors (NRPC).
6. The mindfulness teacher training course is approved by The British Psychological Society (BPS).
7. Graduates are eligible to apply for professional indemnity and public liability insurance.
8. Fully accessible and centrally located training in London.
9. Ongoing, indefinite help and support is provided to all students and graduates as well as low cost clinical supervision.
10. A programme of continuing professional development (CPD) trainings is provided.
11. A free developmental journal – ‘Breathing Space’ is supplied to all students and graduates on a regular basis.
12. Training in practice-building / marketing, is included within the course fees.
13. The college has a large network of freely available support groups, comprised of students, graduates and trainers.
14. Repeat training at 50% discount offered to students who have trained with the college over the past 19 years prior to the MBCH syllabus.
15. Students and graduates are entitled to free membership of professional associations during their training, and also can gain access to professional conferences of the NCH and APHP.